G.R. No. L-28589 January 8, 1973 Complete Names of PartiesRAFAEL ZULUETA, ET AL., plaintiffs-appellees,vs.PAN AMERICAN WORLD AIRWAYS, INC., defendant-appellant. THESIS STATEMENT Pan American World Airways insists that the COMPROMISE AGREEMENT they made…
Escaping Debts through Bank Deposits? | China Bank vs. Ortega
CHINA BANK VS ORTEGAG.R. No. L-34964 January 31, 1973 THESIS STATEMENT China Bank refused to comply with a court order garnishing (seize to settle debt) the bank deposit of a judgment debtor…
Should Civil Damages be Dismissed Upon Appeal of Criminal Case? | Abellana vs. Marave Digest
TWO ABELLANA’S VS. JUDGE MARAVEG.R. No. L-27760 May 29, 1974Full text THESIS STATEMENT Petitioners CRISPIN and FRANCISCO ABELLANA insisted that the Responded Judge acted with grave abuse of discretion arguing that he…
When Taxes Imperil Judicial Independence | Perfecto v. Meer
INDEXES and FULL TEXT https://lawphil.net/judjuris/juri1950/feb1950/gr_l-2348_1950.htmlDoes taxing an officer of the Court constitute a diminution of his salary and is therefore unconstitutional?GREGORIO PERFECTO, plaintiff-appellee, (Judge)vs.BIBIANO MEER, Collector of Internal Revenue, defendant-appellant.G.R. No. L-2348…
It’s “ConstiClear”: Taxing Judges is Not Diminution | Nitafan v. CIR
INDEXES and FULL TEXT https://lawphil.net/judjuris/juri1987/jul1987/gr_78780_1987.htmlDAVID G. NITAFAN, WENCESLAO M. POLO, and MAXIMO A. SAVELLANO, JR., petitioners,vs.COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE and THE FINANCIAL OFFICER, SUPREME COURT OF THE PHILIPPINES, respondents.G.R. No. 78780July 23,…
Djumantan v. Domingo
Djumantan v. DomingoG.R. No. 99358 January 30, 1995Full Text Link Lesson in ConstiEven though married to a Filipino abroad, a Foreigner must still follow due process for such marriage to be properly…