Facts On September 7, 1975, Erlinda Matias married Avelino Parangan Dagdag. A week after the wedding, Avelino started leaving his family without explanation. He would disappear for months, and suddenly reappear for a…
Norberto Vitangcol vs. People
G.R. No. 207406, Jan. 13, 2016 Lesson: “Marriage License cannot be found” issued by Civil Registrar is not sufficient to invalidate the first marriage and exculpate Vitangcol from the crime of Bigamy….
People vs. Mendoza Digest
Full text Lesson: A bigamous marriage need no judicial decree of nullity. Facts Arturo Mendoza was sentenced by the CFI guilty of bigamy and sentencing him 6 months and 1 day to 6…
Republic vs CA and Castro Digest
Topic: Absence of marriage license a ground to annul the marriage Facts Angelina Castro sought for a judicial declaration of nullity of her marriage with Edwin Cardenas on the ground that no…
Falcis vs. Civil Registrar General
Facts Atty Jesus Falcis is an openly-gay lawyer who prayed that Articles 1 and 2 of the Family Code be declared null and void on the ground that it violates the right…
People vs. Santiago
Lesson: The consent in the marriage given after the rape done was not validly given. Marriage was a mere ruse to cover up the crime committed. Facts On November 23, 1926, the…
Ninal v Bayadog Digest
Cohabitation as an exception to marriage license must be without legal impediments. The validity of a void marriage may be questioned even after the death of either of the parties. 328 SCRA…
People v. Tumimpad
G.R. No. 109144. August 19, 1994. Syllabus:The result of a blood grouping test may not be admissible if it conflicts with substantial oral testimonies. It only shows that the alleged father or…
Republic vs. Labrador Digest
Facts Labrador filed to have the name appearing on the birth certificate of Sarah Zita Cañon Erasmo changed from “Sarah Zita Erasmo” to “Sarah Zita Canon” and that the name of Sarah…
Chua Keng Giap vs TAC
When the mother herself denies someone as her son, no one else, even the Supreme Court, can question that. It is only her who knows if that person came out from her…