The legitimacy of children must not be left at the mercy of the passions, jealousy or anger of their parents. Facts Respondent Elizabeth Mejias was married to Crispin Anahaw but had sexual…
Janice Marie Jao vs. CA (1987)
Topics: DNA Testing, Paternity Test Facts Petitioner, represented by her mother Arlene Salgado, filed a case for recognition and support against Perico V. Jao. Perico denied the paternity so they agreed to…
Andal vs. Macaraig Digest
G.R. No. L-2474. May 30, 1951 Facts Petitioner Mariano Andal filed for recovery of the ownership and possession of a parcel of land in Camarines Sur on the ground that he is…
Liyao vs. Liyao Digest
G.R. No. 138961. March 7, 2002 Facts William Liyao Jr. filed an action for compulsory recognition as the illegitimate son of William Liyao. Corazon, the mother of Liyao Jr. allegedly cohabited with…
Semper Praesumitur Pro Matrimonio
means “the law always presume marriage”. Semper = “always”; Praesumitur = presume; pro matrimony = “for marriage” In Perido vs. Perido, the children of Lucio Perido and Marcelina are presumed to be…
Perido vs Perido Digest
G.R. No. L-28248. March 12, 1975Under the topic: Kinds of Filiation Facts The petitioners were the heirs of the late Lucio Perido by his first marriage with Benita Talorong. They insist, among…
Persons and Family Relations Quiz
Persons is a sub-topic under the Civil Code, particularly that of the Family Code. This is usually taken during the first year of law school.
In the Matter of the Petition for the Writ of Amparo and Habeas Data in favor of Noriel H. Rodriguez
Facts Noriel Rodriguez was abducted, detained, and tortured by members of the 17th Infantry Battalion of the Ph Army to undertake certain confessions in relation to the NPA. Issue: Will Command Responsibility…
“Yamashita Standard”
Also known as “Command Line Responsibility” or “Command Responsibility, is when the law of war imposes on an army commander a duty to take such appropriate measures as are within his power…
CHR vs. Civil Service Commission
Facts Atty Pacete opt for an optional retirement as Division Chief of CHR in 1989. The CHR and GSIS had conflicting decisions regarding the approval – CHR approved but GSIS won’t qualify…