Love is useless unless it is shared with another. Indeed, no man is an island, the cruelest act ~xxx~ is to say “I could not have cared less.” This is so because…
Category: Legal Quotes
The highest court of the land does not all the time speak in highfalutin legalese words but sometimes speaks in languages that are highly-relatable to the most ordinary man, endearing, spiritual, and sometimes even Biblical/Quranic and poetic. Here are curated quotes from Supreme Court cases that I find somewhat timeless and resonating where I may need to stop and contemplate.
Possession of moral integrity is of greater importance than possession of legal learning. The practice of law is a privilege bestowed only on the morally fit. – (Aguirre v Rana) With integrity,…
Plea of guilty is an act of repentance and respect for the law. (People v De La Cruz)
Body Language
Observing the demeanor of witnesses is the unique opportunity of the trial courts. Appellate (and the Supreme) courts merely rely on records. Truth is established not by quantity of witnesses but by…
Life vs Property
The right to life is more sacred than a mere owning a property. That is not to encourage x x x theft, but merely to dull somewhat the … pain-producing edges of…
Christian Influence
The old socio-political-economic philosophy of live-and-let-live is now superseded by the benign Christian shibboleth of live-and-help others to live. Those who profess to be Christians should not adhere to Cain’s selfish affirmation…
Rule of Law
A judge must apply the law as it is written, not as he or she wishes it were. – Amy Coney Barrett Laws must come out in the open in the clear…
Individual Freedom vs General Welfare
Liberty is a blessing without which life is a misery, but liberty should not be made to prevail over authority because then society will fall into anarchy. Individual rights may be subordinated so…
The Herod in Us (A Poem)
(A poetic reflection. Days after Christmas, when wisemen came to visit.) The Herod in us Doesn’t want His presence The King to govern our lives Is a thought that threatens This King…