Full title: The Island of Las Palmas/Miangas Case (Netherlands v. United States), Arbitral Award of 1928 [on sovereignty over land] Facts Palmas is a small island with a population of about 750…
Tag: public international law
The Asylum Case (Colombia v. Peru) Digest
ICJ Judgment of 20 November 1950 Facts A military rebellion broke out in Peru. Haya was denounced as responsible and his arrest was ordered. In January 1949, Haya sought diplomatic asylum in…
The Paquete Habana Case Digest
175 U.S. 677 (1900) [on custom] Facts The case involved fishing vessels called the Paquete Habana and Lola, which navigated near Cuba but were seized by the U.S. government for alleged violations…
The Asylum Case (Columbia v. Peru) Digest
[on custom] For custom (CIHL) to be definitely proven, it must be continuously and uniformly executed. Uniformity and generality of practice need not be complete, but it must be substantial. Here, Colombia…