REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, petitioner, vs. COURT OF APPEALS and CYNTHIA VICENCIO, respondents. Thesis: Republic assails that respondent’s surname should not be changed to her step-father’s surname. Facts: Respondent’s father, Pablo Vicencio,…
Gan vs. Reyes Case Digest
Thesis: Petitioner questioned and tried to stay the writ of execution for support issued by the respondent judge on the ground that he appealed and there is no good reason for its…
Tonog vs. CA Case Digest
The mother filed for a petition to remand the custody of the child from the father to her. The mother is the petitioner in this case, when she worked abroad, she left…
Delos Santos vs Luciano (1934) Case Digest
Lesson: The legitimate daughter of a daughter legitimated by subsequent marriage, now deceased, is entitled to inherit from a brother of her mother who is a legitimate son of the same parents…
Ramirez vs. Gmur (1912) Case Digest
Petitioner opposed the claim or respondents to the estate of her husband on the ground that mother was an illegitimate child (and their parents marriage is a subsequent marriage after a divorce…
Republic vs. CA Bobiles (1992)
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, petitioner, vs. COURT OF APPEALS and ZENAIDA C. BOBILES, respondents. Facts: The Republic opposed the decision of the Trial Court granting the petition for adoption by Zenaida Bobiles…
Valdez vs. RTC Case Digest
G.R. No. 122749 – July 31, 1996 Full Text Link: THESIS STATEMENT Marriage of Antonio Valdez and respondent Consuelo Gomez-Valdez was declared null and void on the grounds of Psychological Incapacity, but…
Agapay vs. Palang Case Digest
Full Text Link Complete Names of Parties ERLINDA A. AGAPAY (live-in partner), Petitioner, v. CARLINA (CORNELIA) V. PALANG (legal wife) and HERMINIA P. DELA CRUZ (legitimate child), Respondents. Miguel Palang (deceased husband)…
Vda. De Conseguera vs. GSIS 27 SCRA 315
Full text Petitioner Veuda de Conseguera (Basilia Berdin) assails the decision of GSIS because divided equally the retirement insurance benefits of the deceased (P6,304) Jose Consuguera where one half went to the…
Cariño vs. Cariño Case Digest
Full text Compared to Vda Consuegerra (1971) The petitioner, the first wife of SPO4 Santiago Carino, filed against the second wife on the grounds that she is not entitled to the death…