If a corporation knowingly permits one of its officers or agent to act within the scope of an apparent authority, it holds him out to the public as possessing the power to do…
Author: Bryan Villarosa
Land Titles and Deeds Bar Exam Questions and Suggested Answers
Here is the PDF version of all LTD-related Q&As in the Bar Exams from 1979 to 2019 Application for Registration 2013 Actions after registration; Action for reconveyance 2019 Stipulations 2015 Quieting of…
Complex crime
When a single act constitutes two or more grave or less grave felonies, or when an offense is a necessary means to committing the other, this is a complex crime. – Article…
Foreclosure is the process by which a mortgagee acquires an absolute title to the property of which he had previously been only the conditional owner, or upon which he had previously a…
Jurisdiction and its Types
Means “the power to hear and decide cases” (Herrera vs. Barreto) and execute judgment thereon (Echegaray vs. Sec. of Justice) “The authority to resolve cases, and determine the rights and obligations of…
Forum Shopping
Forum shopping is the institution of two or more actions involving the same parties for the same cause of action either simultaneously or successively, on the suspension that one or the other…
Brown-Araneta vs. Araneta
Facts Juan and Michelle were married and had 2 minor children. They separated and the children remained in Michelle’s custody. Juan filed for a Petition for Custody of his children with prayer…
Culpa Aquiliana
Responsibility without a written contract, on the basis of a wrongful act. “Culpa” or culpability means responsibility arising from a wrongful act. Aquiliana – Latin “a” means without; “quill” means a pen…
Heirs of Mesina vs. Heirs of Fian Digest
Facts The heirs of Fian refused to vacate the lot that they possess despite repeated demands by the Mesinas. One of the Mesinas filed an action against the heirs of Fian, naming…
MVRS Publication vs. Islamic Da’wah Council
Facts The Islamic Dawah Council of the Ph (IDCP), a local federation of 70 Muslim organizations, filed a class suit in behalf of Muslim members nationwide against MVRS Publications et al in…