Lex rex simply means “the law is the king.” It’s another way of saying that we must be a government of laws and not of men; that no one is above the law, and anyone who stands before the law finds himself on level ground. This is a repository of law school notes that strives to reflect that principle.
The author is a part-time law student, part-time self-employed. This website is a project arising from a belief that digital transformation can empower our relationship with the law and society.
- Feb 2025: The Advocate: Law School Survival Guide: On Mental Health Breaks
- April 2024: Law Journal: Legal and Policy Innovations for a Net Zero 2050
- June 2023: USLS Law Journal Volume 12: My article entitled “Magnetized by Big Brother: When Thought Control Comes in Enticing Robes“
- Feb 2022: Page 49 of “The Advocate”, a magazine-style publishing of the USLS College of Law.
- Feb 2021: Research work “Filipino Freelancers’ Welfare: Assessing, Consolidating, and Proposing Legal Measures.” This is our final requirement for Legal Research, a first-year subject, which was taught by Atty. Jocelle Batapa-Sigue, now (Jul 2023) a DITC Undersecretary.
Certifications, Seminars and Workshops
Media exposure
Disclaimer: This website is only for educational purposes and not a substitute for professional legal advice. Please contact a lawyer for the proper assessment of the totality of the facts of your case.

Stetson International Moot Court Competition (Southeast Asian Rounds) – Best Overall Memorial and Quarterfinalist